Friday, February 24, 2012

Response to "Blocked" article

Sent by Silvio Dell'Angela

This discrimination against certain citizens and media outlets who dare criticize what’s going on like the burqueblotter, Eye on Albuquerque and others  is evidenced once again in the preceding burque article “Mayor’s Office Blocks Burque Blotter from ambassador’s visit.”  Why was burque’s editor Ms. Pilar Armstrong singled out for exclusion from this story while KOB-TV and others were not?  No credible answer from the Mayor for this-not surprisingly.  This was NOT a “private event”-the phony excuse used by the Mayor’s PIO Breanna Anderson.

Don’t we citizens have a right to know just how much of our tax dollars are being spent on these Mayor Berry image-promoting only visits-be they here in the City or for our Mayor’s boondoggles to other cities to find new ways to spend our tax dollars?  The Mayor’s campaign promise to us posted in 2010 on his ABQView website of a “new era of transparency and accountability” seems to be a joke-doesn’t it?

Be assured that we will be there in numbers at the March meeting with signs and anxious to see your new suppression tactic.  Maybe another APD enabler-Council President Jones will bless your edict using the same phony excuses.  You are either a willing part of the problem or part of the solution with APD here.  You seem to be the former thus far.  You still owe us a public apology and maybe even your resignation!  Your arrogance is disgraceful!

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