Saturday, April 14, 2012

Letter from Commander Saylor

 Saylor, Cliff B. []
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:02 AM
Subject: Councilor's letter to the Mayor

Dear Neighbors,

Please read the attached letter from 4 city councilors to the Mayor.  Please make your opinions heard.  Whether you support this agenda or oppose it, contact your city council and the Mayor!  Let them know how you feel.  I am gravely concerned that these councilors are being influenced by a very vocal few, amplified by a very negative media.  I am very concerned that these individuals have an over-represented impact on the City of Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Police Department. 

It is absurd to blame the 23 officer-involved shootings on APD.  There were many factors involved in the final outcome. 

In all of these 23 officer-involved shooting situations, APD responded to a call for help.  However, before APD arrived several failures had occurred that made our job incredibly difficult. 

1- The family failed to properly raise their child.
2- The school system failed to educate the student.
3- The mental health profession failed to help the patient.
4- The criminal justice system failed to teach the defendant the consequence of their actions.
5- The prison system failed to rehabilitate the criminal and/or
6- The individual failed to act like a law-abiding human being, with respect for others...

Most importantly... The suspect failed to follow the LAWFUL orders of the police officers...

Stay safe and let your voice be heard!

Cliff Saylor, Commander
Albuquerque Police Department
Foothills Area Command
12800 Lomas Bd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112

Integrity, Respect, Fairness, Pride.

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